Quotes of John A. Zoidberg for season Volume 7
Quotes of John A. Zoidberg for season Volume 7

Amy: Bender, come join us. We're watching "Rear Window".
Bender: I used to stick my rear out the window.
Zoidberg: If you prefer, we could watch "Behind the Music".
Bender: My behind used to make music.
Hermès: "Backdraft" is on.
Bender: Even my ass wouldn't watch that.
Bender: I used to stick my rear out the window.
Zoidberg: If you prefer, we could watch "Behind the Music".
Bender: My behind used to make music.
Hermès: "Backdraft" is on.
Bender: Even my ass wouldn't watch that.
But, robot, you can't just make up folk songs like you can a medical diploma. They have to come from the heart.
He may not be perfect, but do we really want some unknown new guy? I'll stick with the evil maniac I know, thank you.