Quotes of John A. Zoidberg
Quotes of John A. Zoidberg

John A. Zoidberg, also known as "Dr. Zoidberg" is the doctor for the express delivery company Planet Express.
He is an alien native to the planet Decapod 10 and looks like an humanoid crab.
Dr. Zoidberg is a clumsy and incompetent doctor. Although devoted to his patients and always trying to help them as best he can, he rarely understands their anatomy or biology and operations are rarely successful.
He is emotional and sentimental and is often misunderstood and underestimated by his co-workers which makes him feel rejected.
Dr. Zoidberg: A pogo stick!
Amy: Those were toenail clippings.
Zoidberg: A feast is a feast.
Bender: Whoa, whoa, whoa! I'm Mexican and I find that offensive.
Zoidberg: You Latins are so hot-blooded!
Hermes: Stick to someone else, you windy barnacle!
Hermes: The Federal Sex Bureau.
Bender: A saucy puppet show.
Zoidberg: The rotting carcass of a whale.
Amy: Hmm, I'll pick!
Bender: I used to stick my rear out the window.
Zoidberg: If you prefer, we could watch "Behind the Music".
Bender: My behind used to make music.
Hermès: "Backdraft" is on.
Bender: Even my ass wouldn't watch that.
Leela: It wasn't unavoidable! You just had to stop cutting my spine when I yelled, "Stop! You're cutting my spine!"