Quotes of John A. Zoidberg for season Volume 3
Quotes of John A. Zoidberg for season Volume 3

Zoidberg: So long. I'm off to toss this old shell in the dumpster and maybe pick up those potato chips Amy didn't finish yesterday.
Amy: Those were toenail clippings.
Zoidberg: A feast is a feast.
Amy: Those were toenail clippings.
Zoidberg: A feast is a feast.
Zoidberg: Ah! Muy macho! Hey, gringos, here comes El Zoido to ruin your drinking water!
Bender: Whoa, whoa, whoa! I'm Mexican and I find that offensive.
Zoidberg: You Latins are so hot-blooded!
Bender: Whoa, whoa, whoa! I'm Mexican and I find that offensive.
Zoidberg: You Latins are so hot-blooded!
Zoidberg: And that's how I got my new shell. It looks just like the shell I threw out yesterday and I found it in the same dumpster, but this one had a live raccoon inside. [He slurps.] Pretty good story, eh, Hermes?
Hermes: Stick to someone else, you windy barnacle!
Hermes: Stick to someone else, you windy barnacle!